Artwork I've Colored
Fan Art and Commisions
About the Author

And as always, this page is under Construction!



My Coloring Work

Well everyone, these pictures are not really my work, I just colored them.  But, they are to some extent my work, I guess. 

For the most part these pictures are originally by Nudog, a simply awesome artist who has been a great friend for the last few years. 

How did these come about? Well, I printed them out and colored them, and scanned them in again. Pretty simple, and in many cases very poorly colored.  But, I hope you enjoy them none the less.


Nudog's Pictures



Nick and Kyle

Todd and David

Tony and Brian

Its Nathan! 


Other Peoples pictures

Originally by Megan Giels

Unknown artist, but I colored it.  Anyone know who drew this? It inspired the character of Jimmy from Fun at the Mall